Vital Motion Forum

General Category => Bar/Saloon => Topic started by: Jegougou on May 15, 2012, 20:59:38 PM

Title: DVD Mindcandy vol2 est devenu gratuit !
Post by: Jegougou on May 15, 2012, 20:59:38 PM
Hello la dream Team, l'équipe qui a réaliser mindcandy 2 (dvd video regroupant des demos amiga) viennent de le mettre a dispo gratuitement.
We have finally sold out of copies of the Volume 2: Amiga Demos DVD (first released in 2006/07), so we have done the honorable demoscene thing and released the .ISOs (NTSC and PAL) under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license. Spread the love..

Torrent link: 08bb0af77dad926380aadfad483b
Title: Re: DVD Mindcandy vol2 est devenu gratuit !
Post by: zord on May 16, 2012, 17:46:00 PM (