touti hey hey orion (coucou monsieur) vient de mettre en ligne
la demo falcon et donc je me permets de vous passer le lien pouet
bref bonheur et bravo !
a mercredi et ptit clin d'oil a zordounet, il est mod de la partie
falcon mais je rajoute bien sur Orion_ dès que je comprend ce
scougnougnou de mode admin
bibiz il est 7h dijon s'eveille !
especially english text to xp at first
hello hello how are you ! hey we just come back from alchimie 2k11
with a cool great 1rst prize due to Orion_ hard work ! so then i hope
soon a video will be made by him or another. Kioniro has done cool
musik too and then you can have a listen to at downloading demo
zip and find the .mp2 musik. great code, great party and of course
see you soon in a party or another !! and of course i will try to
make my best for what you did want me to participate too ^^
now smooth day, back to home, head to calm and see you
many regards